2015年12月13日 星期日

Week13 Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (western literature)

1.Orestes-In Greek mythology,He was the son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. He is the subject of several Ancient Greek plays and of various myths connected with his madness and purification, which retain obscure threads of much older ones.

2.Crismon(Chi Rho)-is one of the earliest forms of christogram, and is used by some Christians. It is formed by superimposing the letters chi (X) and rho (Ρ) of the Greek word "ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ" = Christ in such a way to produce the monogram.Although not technically a Christian cross, the Chi-Rho invokes the authority of Jesus, as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ.

3.Christopher Marlowe, in Doctor Faustus , referring to Helen of Troy:
Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships 
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.

The meaning of the quotation is a reference to the mythological figure Helen of Troy . Her abduction by Paris was said to be the reason for a fleet of a thousand ships to be launched into battle, initiating the Trojan Wars.

The face that launched a thousand ships

4.When Thebes is with the plague,Oedipus -the king decide to find the reason,so he send Creon return to Thebes from the visits of the oracle,according to the messages of Apollo,the plague will finish when he find the killer of Laicus, also he heard from Tiresias that he killed Laicus himself,but he doesn't believe it,and the messenger of Corinth have came to Thebes.

5. The messenger tell him that the king of Corinth-Polybus is dead, when Oedipus feel happy,because he think he escaped from the prophecy of killing his own father ,but the messenger tell him that he is adopted,when he is abandon on the Cithaeron and gave to Polybus to raise,then he realize he killed Laicus who is his real father and marry to his own mother,at the same time,his mother wife-Jocasta,who find out Oedipus is her own son, beacause when Laicus going to abandon Oedipus as a baby,he spin hard on his leg to let him die,finally when Oedipus see his mother hanged herself,he blind himself and exile from Thebes.

6.According to Antigone by Sophocles, when Oedipus is exiled from Thebes, his son- Eteocles and Polynices will alternate the throne of Thebes,but when Eteocles refuse to step down and Polynices attacked Thebes,two of them die in the war,so their uncle-Creon have the throne,and decide not to bury Polynices,but Antigone-Polynices's sister,want to bury him and get caught,Creon ordered to put her underground in a box  ,and her sister-Ismene want the same fate,Creon executed her,and Antigone's lover of engagement-Haemon find out his love was hanged herself, when he fail to revenge his father,he killed himself and Creon suicide,too.


1.spect- prefix means"look"
Example-spectator( a person who is watching the event )
                spectacle(  a performance or show that is very impressive)
                spectate( to watch something like event or performance)
2.audi-prefix means"listen"
Example-audience( a group of people who have gather to watch the event)
               audible( something that can be heard clearly)
               audio( connect with the sound that is recorded)
3.ant-suffix means"people"
Example-attendant( a person who's job is serving in the public)
                participant( a person who is taking part in an activity or event)
                defendant( a person who is being sued by another person)
4.ab-prefix means"leave"
Example-abduction( get kidnapped by someone )
                abandon( to leave somebody,especially you are responsible )
                abase( to act that shows you accept somebody's power over you)

5.condemn/kənˈdɛm/ verb-to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment
Example-I condemn both Bush-as-Hitler and Obama-as-Hitler comparisons in my book and subsequent speeches.

6. hubris/ˈhjubrɪs/ noun- the fact that somebody feel being too proud.
Example-It was thanks in part to hubris and ego that LulzSec eventually imploded.

7.foreshadow /fɔrˈʃædo/verb-To present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand.
Example-the witch foreshadow that someone is going to die tonight.

8.sarcasm/ˈsɑˌkæzəm/ noun- a way to make fun of the others with unpleasant or opposite words
Example-we all know there is a hint of sarcasm in his voice to mock someone.

