2015年12月10日 星期四

Week12 chap 19-20 (English Vocabulary and Etymology)


1.Extra-prefix means"outside"
Example-extraordinary( unexpected, strange or surprising )
                extrajudicial( happening outside the normal power of the law)
                extraterritorial( the creatures come from other planet or exist in another planet)
2.candid- prefix means "bright" or "shining"
Example-candidate( a person who is being elected )
               candidacy( the fact of being a candidate in an election)
               candidature( candidacy)
3. dia-prefix means "thoroughly"
Example-diabolic( extremely bad or annoying)
                diarrhea( an intestinal disorder characterized by abnormal frequency and fluidity of fecal evacuations.)
                dialect( a language that spoken in one area)

4.vice-prefix means "deputy"
Example-vice president ( deputy of president)
                viceroy( a person who is sent by a king to govern a colony)
                 vice admiral( an officer of very high rank navy)
5.chron-prefix means "time"
Example-chronological( a series of event in order )
                chronic( something is difficult to cure)
                chronometer( an accurate clock especially used for sea)
6.-ure-suffix means " action" or "result" or "process"
Example-censure( to blame someone)
                exposure( some place or situation where is no protection or harmful)
                posture( your attitude to a particular situation or the way you deal with)
7.crook/krʊk/ noun- someone is definitely a fraud or lair.
example-That salesman is a real crook.

8.virtue /ˈvɜr tʃu/noun-behavior or attitudes that show high moral standards.
example-She is certainly no virtue in her privacy life.

9.stain  /steɪn/ noun- to remove a mark that is difficult to remove on something
Example-I hope the red sauce will not stain on the carpet.
10.intoxicated /ɪnˈtɒk sɪˌkeɪ tɪd/ adjective-someone is  mentally drunk.
example-She is intoxicated after drink ten glasses of wine.

11.acute /əˈkyut/adjective-very serious or severe.
Example-There is an acute shortage of water.

12.spinal cord/ˈspaɪnl/ /kɔrd/ -the cord of nerve tissue extending through the spinal canal of the spinal column.
example-He pointed out also that nerves have no power in themselves, but merely conduct impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord.

13.integument/ɪnˈtɛg yə mənt/noun-a nature covering of skin or shell.
example- This process continues till the whole dorsal surface is covered by the integument.

