2015年10月30日 星期五

Week7 Virgil, The Aeneid (western literature)

1.The climax of the plot
Iliad--- the rage of Achilles

2.Priam---Hector's father
the king of Troy

3.When Achilles kill Hector,he is very furious because Hector kill his best friend-Patroclus,so he drag his body with the chariot around his camp, but when Apollo and others gods see this, they think is not fair to do such things like this,so they find and order Thetis(Achilles's mother) to persuade Achilles give back  the body,and tell him one day he will died,too.

4.On the other hand,Athena order Iris to find Priam to prepare a ransom to take back the body of Hector,when they soften Achilles heart,Priam set the grave of Hector and do the lamentation,finally Priam and Achilles cried and hug,because both have lost their friend and family,but they will never came back again, and it's surprise that Helen came to the lamentation of Hector,too.

5.Telemachus have many suitors,he is sick of that,so Athena tell him to find his father-Odysseus,so he begin his  journey, and meet the king Nestor,at the same time,Odysseus go to the underworld and ask Tiresias where he will dead when he get old,and he sees Tantalus  wants to drink water, but he can't drink it, also sees Sisyphus push hard to get to the top,but always drop again,finally they meet when they go back to their homeland-Ithaca.


1.Carbon copy(C.C.) noun.-a copy of a document,letter,etc. with carbon paper.
Example- I need a carbon copy of the story.
2.elegy/ˈɛl ɪ dʒi/ noun.-a poem or song that expresses sadness,especially for somebody died.
Example--- He wrote a great elegy for his grandmother, who is just pass away yesterday.

3.ransom/ˈræn səm/ noun.-pay money to somebody that they keep somebody as a prisoner.
Example---The kidnappers demanded a ransom of one billion from the royal family.

4.shroud/ʃraʊd/ noun--- a sheet or cloth to cover a burial.
Example---The doctor demand the nurse for a shroud to cover the body.

5.entreaty /ɛnˈtri ti/ noun--- a serious and emotional request.
Example---All our entreaty of  new clothes for Christmas were in vain.

The poem
One day by Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop, 1934 yearbook portrait.jpg

Elizabeth Bishop (February 8, 1911 – October 6, 1979) was an American poet and short-story writer. Poet Laureate of the United States from 1949 to 1950, the Pulitzer Prize winner for Poetry in 1956, the National Book Award winner in 1970, and the recipient of the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1976.

