2015年10月22日 星期四

Week 6 The Odyssey(western literature)

1.When Odysseus on the sea prepare to return to his homeland(Ithaca),Poseidon(the god of sea)don't let him,because he blinded his son-Polyphemus,so Odysseus he ask soothsayer Tiresias for help,and she tell him,you will not dead on the sea,you will deadly peacefully  on your bed,but with a lot of challenge,and also need to face the suitor of his wife(Penelope).

2.When Odysseus is on the journey,Penelope suffer a lot of suitor outside of the house,to refuse them,she always weaving the cloth for Odysseus,during the night,she tear down apart of cloth to weaving again and again,but when her maid tell this secret to the suitors,they all prepare strike her down,the moment Odysseus come back,but to test her,he change to a beggar,and lie to her that his husband get a debt for him,but Penelope already know he is Odysseus,she let main wash her and discover his scar.
 Penelope Weaving by John William Waterhouse

3. Penelope hold the archery contest,and if someone can fire the arrow and pass through the 12 circle,then she will marry him,of course she know only Odysseus can do that,at the end of contest,Odysseus kill all the suitors.

4. The sirens are three nymph who sings songs in form of birds, and let the man dead,so when Odysseus pass by them, he order sailor to tie him up on the mast and the others cover their ears with wax,so they don't get any harm of sirens song.

5.The tragedy of Medea is when her husband-Janson Argonaut  is going to marry another woman-Glauce,who is the daughter of the king Creon in Corinth .

6. The tail of peacock and Argus
When Zeus is in love with Io,for Hera not discover he change her to a cow,but of course Hera have discover, so let Io keep away from Zeus,She order Argus,who is a titan with 100 eyes on his body to monitor Io,Zeus order Hermes to save her and kill Argus, so Hermes play music to draw his attention,and talk very bored with Argus,when he finally get to sleep,Hermes kill him and set Io freely,in the end Hera use Argus eyes to decorate her favorite animal's tail Peacock.

7.Apollo loves Cassandra,and he gives Cassandra Prophetess(predict),but Apollo have discover that she doesn't love him,so when they going to separate from each other,Apollo kiss her and secretly cursed her that no one will believe her prediction.

8.Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon,because he sacrifice their daughter- Iphigenia for goddess of hunt- Artemis for send his ship to fight the Trojans.And Electra and Orestes-daughter and son of Agamemnon,they decide to kill their mother and stepfather Aegisthus for revenge.

9.When Tiresias  is a human between male and female,one he saw a snake  and shouted loud,soon become a woman, she meets the snake again,she become a man,when Hera ask him if he want to be woman or man,he tell her woman,so Hera hit her and blind her, Zeus apologize her and give her power of prediction.


1.Hexa-suffix means"six"
Example-Hexapartite( divide in six part)
               Hexachloride( a chloride with six atom )
               Hexachord( a music have six tone)

2.Disguise/dɪsˈgaɪz/verb-Change yourself so no one recognize you.
Example-She disguise herself as a boy

3.Mentor/ˈmɛn tɔr/noun-A person that help you or give advise like counselor and teacher.
Example-Robert is the best mentor in our school.

4. Invocation/ˌɪn vəˈkeɪ ʃən/noun- the act of calling help from god or something to appear.
Example-I was asked by then President-elect Obama to deliver the invocation at the opening inaugural event.

