2015年10月22日 星期四

Week 6 Chap 9-10(English Vocabulary and Etymology)


1.pro-prefix means"in favor of support"
Example-provision( give supply to somebody need it)
                proactive( control the power to make things happen in the first place)
                proceed-( continue something that have already started)

2.equi- prefix means"balance"
Example-equivocate( say something without order and unclear)
                equivalent( equal in value, mount, meaning)
                equidistant( they balance with same distance)
3.-eum suffix
Example-museum(a building which its object in artistic, culture and historical scientific)
               coliseum(a building for doing any sport)
               peritoneum( the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera)

4.-ium suffix
Example-auditorium( a building for audience)
               millennium( a period of 1000 year before or after birth of Christ)
               equilibrium( a state of balance)

5.de-prefix means"down"
Example-depreciate( become less value)
               departure( a act of leaving a place)
               delegate(  to make a order to someone to do)

6.ten-prefix means"to hold"
        Example-tentative( not very sure of it and you may change it later)
                        tenant( a person who live as a inhabitant)
                        tenability(can hold or defense it  for a period of time )

7.tem- prefix means"time"
Example-temporal( connected with or limited by time)
                temporary( use or intend only in a short time)
                contemporary( belonging to the same time)

8.pri- prefix means"basic"
Example- principle(  fundamental and primary)
               primarily( at first in original form)
               primitive( being the first and early kind of existence)

9.pre-prefix means"major"
Example-president( a leader of a country)
               premium( a payment for your insurance policy)
               preamble( a introduction from the start of a book)

10.pseudo-prefix means"fake"
Example-pseudonym( a author name but not the real one)
                pseudoclassic( a fake classic)
               pseudointellectual( a person exhibiting a fraud intellectual)

11.epidemic/ˌɛp ɪˈdɛm ɪk/adjective-a disease infected to other people.
Example-In mid-summer, as the epidemic swept through the region, schools closed one by one.

12.tuberculosis/tʊˌbɜr kyəˈloʊ sɪs/noun-an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body.
Example- whole swaths of the planet could be ravaged by drug-resistant strains of staph infection or tuberculosis.

13.vague/veɪg/adjective-not clear of a person's mind
Example-I do have faith as vague as that may be for me since there is no deity necessarily to focus it on.

The quote

"The best government is that which governs least" by Thoman Paine"


