2015年10月30日 星期五

Week 7 chap 11-12(English Vocabulary and Etymology)


1.demo- a combining form means"people"
Example---Democracy(a system of government which the civilian of the country can vote by                                                     themself)
                  Demonstration(the people who march on the street or protest for something unfair)
                  Democratic(representatives who are voted by the people that support them of a country)

2.uni-prefix means"one"
Example---uniform(a cloth that is for student to wear at school)
                   unicycle(a bicycle that only have one wheel)
                  union(an association or a organization for people with same interest)

3.ad-prefix means"toward"
Example---advocate(a person who write to defend for something or someone)
                  adventure(an exiting and unusual journey or series of event)
                  adjoin(to be next or join to something)

4.para-prefix means"side by side"
Example---paradise(a prefect place with joyful that people will go after they died )
                  paragraph(the writing of several sentences dealing with a single subject)
                  parallel(each line are in the same direction and taking place at the same time)

5.-al-suffix noun means"process,"state"
Example---dismissal(a boss of company who fire his employee )
                  recital(a public music with small group)
                  natural(all the animal and plants that exist in the wild universe)
6.ver- suffix means "destruction and completion"
Example---Vergil(Roman of poet 's man)
                   verdict(a decison by judge in court somebody is considered as guilty)
                    verify(to check something is true or not)

7.bog/bɒg/ noun.,verb-an area of wet soft ground in decay plants or sink in.
Example---I see someone is bogged down in a bog.

8.defendant/dɪˈfɛn dənt/noun.-law,a person who committing the crime, and being sued by another people.
Example---Bear in mind, however, that courts are not always picky as to how the defendant winds up within their jurisdiction.

9.jury/ˈdʒʊər i/ noun.- a group of people ,who listen to fact of the court and decide if the defendant is guilty.
Example---The jury have return a verdict of guilty.

10.fertile/ˈfɜr tl/ adjective-the place that grow really well or producing animals plans and fruits.
Example---This country have a fertile region that every are proud of it.

11.boisterous/ˈbɔɪ stər əs/adjective-noisy and rude,raucous
Example---She grew up in upstate New York, the youngest and by far the most boisterous of three children.
The poem
Our father who art in heaven

The video

Declaration of Independence

