2015年10月9日 星期五

Week 4 The Iliad (western literature)

1.Epithets in Homer
Epithets is used to describe character with adjective or phrases, such as Achilles-son of Peleus  and swift-footed .

Greek legendary king of Ithaca, the hero of Homer poem the Odyssey,husband of Penelope.
Head Odysseus MAR Sperlonga.jpg

He was a Trojan hero, the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Venus (Aphrodite).

1.Snobbishly/ˈsnɒb ɪʃ/ adjective-characteristic of a snob.
Example-I know you don't like that word "class," but please don't think I am using it snobbishly.

2.Outrageous /aʊtˈreɪ dʒəs/ adjective-involving gross injury or violent temper.
Example- I don't like people shouting with outrageous language, it impolite!

3.Invulnerable /ɪnˈvʌl nər ə bəl/ adjective- incapable to being wounded, hurt or damage
Example-They do not think they are invulnerable to criticism or that history will guarantee them success.

4.Enchanted/ɛnˈtʃænt/ verb- placed under a magic spell( words which have special power)
Example-The female wolf pack leader who so enchanted the men charged with tagging her.

The novel
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald

