2015年10月30日 星期五

Week 7 chap 11-12(English Vocabulary and Etymology)


1.demo- a combining form means"people"
Example---Democracy(a system of government which the civilian of the country can vote by                                                     themself)
                  Demonstration(the people who march on the street or protest for something unfair)
                  Democratic(representatives who are voted by the people that support them of a country)

2.uni-prefix means"one"
Example---uniform(a cloth that is for student to wear at school)
                   unicycle(a bicycle that only have one wheel)
                  union(an association or a organization for people with same interest)

3.ad-prefix means"toward"
Example---advocate(a person who write to defend for something or someone)
                  adventure(an exiting and unusual journey or series of event)
                  adjoin(to be next or join to something)

4.para-prefix means"side by side"
Example---paradise(a prefect place with joyful that people will go after they died )
                  paragraph(the writing of several sentences dealing with a single subject)
                  parallel(each line are in the same direction and taking place at the same time)

5.-al-suffix noun means"process,"state"
Example---dismissal(a boss of company who fire his employee )
                  recital(a public music with small group)
                  natural(all the animal and plants that exist in the wild universe)
6.ver- suffix means "destruction and completion"
Example---Vergil(Roman of poet 's man)
                   verdict(a decison by judge in court somebody is considered as guilty)
                    verify(to check something is true or not)

7.bog/bɒg/ noun.,verb-an area of wet soft ground in decay plants or sink in.
Example---I see someone is bogged down in a bog.

8.defendant/dɪˈfɛn dənt/noun.-law,a person who committing the crime, and being sued by another people.
Example---Bear in mind, however, that courts are not always picky as to how the defendant winds up within their jurisdiction.

9.jury/ˈdʒʊər i/ noun.- a group of people ,who listen to fact of the court and decide if the defendant is guilty.
Example---The jury have return a verdict of guilty.

10.fertile/ˈfɜr tl/ adjective-the place that grow really well or producing animals plans and fruits.
Example---This country have a fertile region that every are proud of it.

11.boisterous/ˈbɔɪ stər əs/adjective-noisy and rude,raucous
Example---She grew up in upstate New York, the youngest and by far the most boisterous of three children.
The poem
Our father who art in heaven

The video

Declaration of Independence

Week7 Virgil, The Aeneid (western literature)

1.The climax of the plot
Iliad--- the rage of Achilles

2.Priam---Hector's father
the king of Troy

3.When Achilles kill Hector,he is very furious because Hector kill his best friend-Patroclus,so he drag his body with the chariot around his camp, but when Apollo and others gods see this, they think is not fair to do such things like this,so they find and order Thetis(Achilles's mother) to persuade Achilles give back  the body,and tell him one day he will died,too.

4.On the other hand,Athena order Iris to find Priam to prepare a ransom to take back the body of Hector,when they soften Achilles heart,Priam set the grave of Hector and do the lamentation,finally Priam and Achilles cried and hug,because both have lost their friend and family,but they will never came back again, and it's surprise that Helen came to the lamentation of Hector,too.

5.Telemachus have many suitors,he is sick of that,so Athena tell him to find his father-Odysseus,so he begin his  journey, and meet the king Nestor,at the same time,Odysseus go to the underworld and ask Tiresias where he will dead when he get old,and he sees Tantalus  wants to drink water, but he can't drink it, also sees Sisyphus push hard to get to the top,but always drop again,finally they meet when they go back to their homeland-Ithaca.


1.Carbon copy(C.C.) noun.-a copy of a document,letter,etc. with carbon paper.
Example- I need a carbon copy of the story.
2.elegy/ˈɛl ɪ dʒi/ noun.-a poem or song that expresses sadness,especially for somebody died.
Example--- He wrote a great elegy for his grandmother, who is just pass away yesterday.

3.ransom/ˈræn səm/ noun.-pay money to somebody that they keep somebody as a prisoner.
Example---The kidnappers demanded a ransom of one billion from the royal family.

4.shroud/ʃraʊd/ noun--- a sheet or cloth to cover a burial.
Example---The doctor demand the nurse for a shroud to cover the body.

5.entreaty /ɛnˈtri ti/ noun--- a serious and emotional request.
Example---All our entreaty of  new clothes for Christmas were in vain.

The poem
One day by Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop, 1934 yearbook portrait.jpg

Elizabeth Bishop (February 8, 1911 – October 6, 1979) was an American poet and short-story writer. Poet Laureate of the United States from 1949 to 1950, the Pulitzer Prize winner for Poetry in 1956, the National Book Award winner in 1970, and the recipient of the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1976.

2015年10月22日 星期四

Week 6 Chap 9-10(English Vocabulary and Etymology)


1.pro-prefix means"in favor of support"
Example-provision( give supply to somebody need it)
                proactive( control the power to make things happen in the first place)
                proceed-( continue something that have already started)

2.equi- prefix means"balance"
Example-equivocate( say something without order and unclear)
                equivalent( equal in value, mount, meaning)
                equidistant( they balance with same distance)
3.-eum suffix
Example-museum(a building which its object in artistic, culture and historical scientific)
               coliseum(a building for doing any sport)
               peritoneum( the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera)

4.-ium suffix
Example-auditorium( a building for audience)
               millennium( a period of 1000 year before or after birth of Christ)
               equilibrium( a state of balance)

5.de-prefix means"down"
Example-depreciate( become less value)
               departure( a act of leaving a place)
               delegate(  to make a order to someone to do)

6.ten-prefix means"to hold"
        Example-tentative( not very sure of it and you may change it later)
                        tenant( a person who live as a inhabitant)
                        tenability(can hold or defense it  for a period of time )

7.tem- prefix means"time"
Example-temporal( connected with or limited by time)
                temporary( use or intend only in a short time)
                contemporary( belonging to the same time)

8.pri- prefix means"basic"
Example- principle(  fundamental and primary)
               primarily( at first in original form)
               primitive( being the first and early kind of existence)

9.pre-prefix means"major"
Example-president( a leader of a country)
               premium( a payment for your insurance policy)
               preamble( a introduction from the start of a book)

10.pseudo-prefix means"fake"
Example-pseudonym( a author name but not the real one)
                pseudoclassic( a fake classic)
               pseudointellectual( a person exhibiting a fraud intellectual)

11.epidemic/ˌɛp ɪˈdɛm ɪk/adjective-a disease infected to other people.
Example-In mid-summer, as the epidemic swept through the region, schools closed one by one.

12.tuberculosis/tʊˌbɜr kyəˈloʊ sɪs/noun-an infectious disease that may affect almost any tissue of the body.
Example- whole swaths of the planet could be ravaged by drug-resistant strains of staph infection or tuberculosis.

13.vague/veɪg/adjective-not clear of a person's mind
Example-I do have faith as vague as that may be for me since there is no deity necessarily to focus it on.

The quote

"The best government is that which governs least" by Thoman Paine"


Week 6 The Odyssey(western literature)

1.When Odysseus on the sea prepare to return to his homeland(Ithaca),Poseidon(the god of sea)don't let him,because he blinded his son-Polyphemus,so Odysseus he ask soothsayer Tiresias for help,and she tell him,you will not dead on the sea,you will deadly peacefully  on your bed,but with a lot of challenge,and also need to face the suitor of his wife(Penelope).

2.When Odysseus is on the journey,Penelope suffer a lot of suitor outside of the house,to refuse them,she always weaving the cloth for Odysseus,during the night,she tear down apart of cloth to weaving again and again,but when her maid tell this secret to the suitors,they all prepare strike her down,the moment Odysseus come back,but to test her,he change to a beggar,and lie to her that his husband get a debt for him,but Penelope already know he is Odysseus,she let main wash her and discover his scar.
 Penelope Weaving by John William Waterhouse

3. Penelope hold the archery contest,and if someone can fire the arrow and pass through the 12 circle,then she will marry him,of course she know only Odysseus can do that,at the end of contest,Odysseus kill all the suitors.

4. The sirens are three nymph who sings songs in form of birds, and let the man dead,so when Odysseus pass by them, he order sailor to tie him up on the mast and the others cover their ears with wax,so they don't get any harm of sirens song.

5.The tragedy of Medea is when her husband-Janson Argonaut  is going to marry another woman-Glauce,who is the daughter of the king Creon in Corinth .

6. The tail of peacock and Argus
When Zeus is in love with Io,for Hera not discover he change her to a cow,but of course Hera have discover, so let Io keep away from Zeus,She order Argus,who is a titan with 100 eyes on his body to monitor Io,Zeus order Hermes to save her and kill Argus, so Hermes play music to draw his attention,and talk very bored with Argus,when he finally get to sleep,Hermes kill him and set Io freely,in the end Hera use Argus eyes to decorate her favorite animal's tail Peacock.

7.Apollo loves Cassandra,and he gives Cassandra Prophetess(predict),but Apollo have discover that she doesn't love him,so when they going to separate from each other,Apollo kiss her and secretly cursed her that no one will believe her prediction.

8.Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon,because he sacrifice their daughter- Iphigenia for goddess of hunt- Artemis for send his ship to fight the Trojans.And Electra and Orestes-daughter and son of Agamemnon,they decide to kill their mother and stepfather Aegisthus for revenge.

9.When Tiresias  is a human between male and female,one he saw a snake  and shouted loud,soon become a woman, she meets the snake again,she become a man,when Hera ask him if he want to be woman or man,he tell her woman,so Hera hit her and blind her, Zeus apologize her and give her power of prediction.


1.Hexa-suffix means"six"
Example-Hexapartite( divide in six part)
               Hexachloride( a chloride with six atom )
               Hexachord( a music have six tone)

2.Disguise/dɪsˈgaɪz/verb-Change yourself so no one recognize you.
Example-She disguise herself as a boy

3.Mentor/ˈmɛn tɔr/noun-A person that help you or give advise like counselor and teacher.
Example-Robert is the best mentor in our school.

4. Invocation/ˌɪn vəˈkeɪ ʃən/noun- the act of calling help from god or something to appear.
Example-I was asked by then President-elect Obama to deliver the invocation at the opening inaugural event.

2015年10月17日 星期六

Week 5 chapter 7-8 (English Vocabulary and Etymology)

R.I.P=rest in peace


1.ate- suffix of verb means "state ", "quality"
 Example-conciliate( being kind to someone)
                 aggregate( to collect things together)
                 propitiate( to stop somebody being angry by trying to please them)

2.tri-prefix means" three"
Example triangle(  a shape with three sides)
                triplet( born three children at the same time)
                triathlon( there are three sport people need to complete)

3.pro- prefix means "many","much"
Example propensity( a tendency to a kind of behavior)
               prolific( produce many, a lot)
               proponent( a person who support an idea or action)

4. ob=op- prefix means "against"
Example-obstacle( something that makes you in a difficult situation)
                obligate ( having some duty to do something)
                opponent( a person that you are fighting in a competition)

5.fortuitous( in front +extreme words)/fɔrˈtu ɪ təs/ adjective- lucky and fortunate.
Example-It was a fortuitous decision, because the plaza's roof happened to be crammed with several hundred refugees.

6.flawless/ˈflɔ lɪs/adjective- there is less fault but close to prefect.
Example-The video below is the behind the scenes of the jump, as well as its flawless execution.

7.predispose/ˌpri dɪˈspoʊz/verb-to influence somebody.
Example-Frustration predisposes him to look on the dark sides of things.

8.inclination/ˌɪn kləˈneɪ ʃən/noun- a feeling that make you want to do something.
Example-She show no inclination for finish the next chapter.


2015年10月15日 星期四

Week 5 The Odyssey(western literature)

A angel who fell out favor from the god of his rebellion in heaven, as a figure leads humanity astray and have power in the fallen world.

2.Aeneas(Trojan Hero )
The son of the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Venus (Aphrodite).

3.Eris(goddess of  discord
Eris, winged goddess of discord | Athenian black figure kylix C6th B.C. | Antikensammlung, Berlin

1.Hubris/ˈhyu brɪs/noun- excessive pride or self-confidence
Example-The result was hubris, a belief that Israel could do whatever it wanted, and still win the political debate in the United States.

2.Pledge/plɛdʒ/noun- to formally promise to give or do something
Example-Management has given a pledge that there will be no job this year.

3.Para- prefix means "side by side"
Examples- Paradoxical( self -contradictory)
                 Parachute( fly from height with safety with a aircraft)
                 Parallel( extending in the same direction)

4.Dic-Prefix means "say",tell the word"
Examples-Dictionary( a book to find vocabulary)
                Dictate( to say aloud to another person)
                Dictator( a person exercising absolute power)

5.Ver=Vir-Prefix means "virus"
Examples-Verify( to check the true)
                  Virtual( almost nearly the fact in things described)
                  Veritas( the truth)

2015年10月10日 星期六

Week 4 chapter 5-6 (English Vocabulary and Etymology)

1. Salome
She is daughter of Herod II and Herodia, as a femme Fatale(beauty deadly woman).According to Flavius Josephus's Jewish Antiquities, Salome was first married to Philip the Tetrarch of Ituraea and Trakonitis. After Philip's death in 34 AD she married Aristobulus of Chalcis and became queen of Chalcis and Armenia Minor. They had three children.

As a Biblical figure, She fall in love with the John the Baptist, but when she attract him, it doesn't work,so she get angry,then in his birthday, she claim her dad(Herod) to give her the head of John the Baptist,for her dad to accept her request,she dance in front of her dad and mom to obtain the head.


1. -ly suffix words(adjective)means "every"," like"

2. en- prefix words, means "inside"," within"
  Example-enchantress( a woman who have magic)
                  enslavement( a society of slave)
                  enchain( to attract something strongly)

3. -itis suffix words,means "inflammation"
 Example-bronchitis(a inflammation of bronchial tubes )

4.curriculum vitae(CV)/kəˈrɪkjələm/noun- write all the record of your education and the job you have done, when you are applying a job.
Example-When you have a interview in your new job,they always ask about your curriculum vitae.

5. fatality/feɪˈtælɪti/noun- a disaster of death
Example-A 26-year-old man was the first fatality of the riots, found shot in his car.

The Movie
A 1999 American film directed by Jon Amiel and starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Dangerous Liaisons
A 1988 historical drama The film was directed by Stephen Frears. The performances of Glenn Close, John Malkovich and Michelle Pfeiffer

2015年10月9日 星期五

Week 4 The Iliad (western literature)

1.Epithets in Homer
Epithets is used to describe character with adjective or phrases, such as Achilles-son of Peleus  and swift-footed .

Greek legendary king of Ithaca, the hero of Homer poem the Odyssey,husband of Penelope.
Head Odysseus MAR Sperlonga.jpg

He was a Trojan hero, the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Venus (Aphrodite).

1.Snobbishly/ˈsnɒb ɪʃ/ adjective-characteristic of a snob.
Example-I know you don't like that word "class," but please don't think I am using it snobbishly.

2.Outrageous /aʊtˈreɪ dʒəs/ adjective-involving gross injury or violent temper.
Example- I don't like people shouting with outrageous language, it impolite!

3.Invulnerable /ɪnˈvʌl nər ə bəl/ adjective- incapable to being wounded, hurt or damage
Example-They do not think they are invulnerable to criticism or that history will guarantee them success.

4.Enchanted/ɛnˈtʃænt/ verb- placed under a magic spell( words which have special power)
Example-The female wolf pack leader who so enchanted the men charged with tagging her.

The novel
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald

2015年10月3日 星期六

week 3 chapter 3-4 (English Vocabulary and Etymology)

1.Tower of Babel(refers to the Hebrew bible or the old testament )
the story is humanity,who came from east to build a city and tower, also live together with single language in the land of Shinar,but when the god came down and visit them,he confused them with different languages and scattered them around the world.


1. Gen- prefix means"that which produce"
Generation(all the people who born in the same time)
 Generator(a machine that produce electricity)
Genesis( the beginning of the origin of something)

Subsidized(means give money to somebody need help)
Subtropical(means some region that near the tropical area)
Subplot(secondary story ,novel, plot )

3.Euphoric /yuˈfɔr ɪk, -ˈfɒr-/ adjective-intensely happy or confident
Example-She was euphoric when she received the Oscar.

The video
How Language envolve Alex Gendler-
The origin of language in the human species has been the topic of scholarly discussions for several centuries. In spite of this, there is no consensus on the ultimate origin or age of human language. One problem makes the topic difficult to study: the lack of direct evidence. Consequently, scholars wishing to study the origins of language must draw inferences from other kinds of evidence such as the fossil record, archaeological evidence, contemporary language diversity, studies of language acquisition, and comparisons between human language and systems of communication existing among other animals (particularly other primates). Many argue that the origins of language probably relate closely to the origins of modern human behavior, but there is little agreement about the implications and directionality of this connection.

Week 3 The Iliad (western literature )

1.Achilles's heel (Peleus and Thetis are his mom and dad)
When Achilles is a baby, it is foretold he will die young, so Thetis, hold his heel and put his body into the River Styx, so he become powerful, and survive many great battle, but one day Paris shot a poisonous arrow at him was lodged in his heel, killing him shortly. 

2.The judgement of Paris(Helen of Troy)
When Zeus is celebrate of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, Eris(the goddess of discord), she is angry that no one invited her, so she come with the golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides , which become a prize of beauty contest, in semi final, Athena , Venus Aphrodite and Hera win, and Paris is the judgement, so the three of them use their power to bribe him,Hera offered to make him king of Europe and Asia, Athena offered wisdom and skill in war, and Aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman-Helen of Sparta, finally Paris accepted Aphrodite's prize and give the apple to her.

3.The abduction of EuropaThe story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a white bull with golden horn, so when Europa site on his back, then he runs far away, until arrived in Crete island.The Abduction of Europa, Jean-François de Troy.jpg

4. Persepone(goddess of agriculture and wife of Hades) and the pomegranate seeds Perspone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter(ceres),Demeter loves her daughter very much,but one day when Perspone is with her friends,Hades(the god of underworld), who fell in love with her and kidnapped her,and to make Perspone stay forever, he offer to eat and drink, but she refused, on the other hand, when Demeter finally find her,and want to bring her back,Perspone have eat the seeds of pomegranate, which Hades give her,so six months of each year, she must return to the underworld with Hades, and winter would come to the world. during the spring she would once again return to her mother, 

5.Dionysus ( the god of the wine)-is the god of the grape harvest, wine-making and wine, of ritual madness, fertility,[2][3] theatre and religious ecstasy in Greek mythology. Alcohol, especially wine, played an important role in Greek culture with Dionysus being an important reason for this life style.

6.Hephaestus(Vulcan- the god of ironsmith)- is the Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes.Hephaestus' Roman equivalent is Vulcan. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of the gods.
Vulcan Coustou Louvre MR1814.jpg

7. Fatal Woman(Salome and Helen) the most dangerous and beautiful woman 

8.Telemachus( the son of Odysseus and Penelope)- is a figure in Greek mythology, and a central character in Homer's Odyssey. The first four books of the Odyssey focus on Telemachus' journeys in search of news about his father, who has yet to return home from the Trojan War.