2016年1月4日 星期一

Week 16 The New Testament (western literature)

1. Divine Comedy-is an epic poem by Dante Alighieri, begun c. 1308 and completed 1320. It is widely considered the preeminent work of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature.

  The poem's imaginative vision of the afterlife is representative of the medieval world-view as it had developed in the Western Church by the 14th century. It helped establish the Tuscan language, in which it is written, as the standardized Italian language.It is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

2.Psalm-is the first book of the Ketuvim , the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and a book of the Christian Old Testament.The title is derived from the Greek translation, meaning "instrumental music".

 The book is an anthology of individual psalms, with 150 in the Jewish and Western Christian tradition and more in the Eastern Christian churches. Many of the psalms are linked to the name of King David.

3.Psalm 23

4. Martin Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546)- was a German friar, priest, professor of theology, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation.Initially an Augustinian friar, Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money.

He taught that salvation and subsequently eternal life is not earned by good deeds but is received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God.
Martin Luther by Cranach-restoration.tif

5.Protestantism- is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. It is one of the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

 Anglicanism is sometimes considered to be independent from Protestantism.The term derives from the letter of protestation from Lutheran princes in 1529 against an edict condemning the teachings of Martin Luther as heretical.

6. Catholicism-refer to the practices of several Christian churches. This sense is to be distinguished from the use of these words to refer to the Roman Catholic Church, that which is in full communion with the Holy See, as well as the Orthodox Catholic Church, which also considers itself the universal and apostolic church.

Jesus depicted as the Good Shepherd

7.Noah and the flood-God want Noah to build the ark and bring his family with two all living creatures,male and female, because God will destroy the earth with flooding,also warn don't look back,but when his wife just looking back,she turn into stone as punishment.

8.Raven(Omen) and Dove(Peace)-When the flood is over,Noah send the black raven outside to check if the rain is stop, but it never come back,so we relate the black raven as bad fortune, and on the other hand,when the white dove was send and did came back with a olive leaf in its mouth,such as Taiwan's police logo or Korean.

9.Prometheus and Pandora-When Prometheus steal the fire from Zeus for mankind,his punishment is get chained and eat by birds, but he always grow back, so Zeus demand Hephaestus create a beauty woman-Pandora, Zeus give her a mysterious jar with bad things, warned her not to open it.

Zeus let Hermes takes Pandora to Epimetheus(Prometheus's brother)as his bride,when Prometheus warned him bot to accept, but he did,finally when Pandara was curious of the jar, she just open the jar,and this is the end of humanity with a lot of plague

10.Freewill Salvation The Fall-When Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit(apple tree),their eye wide open, and realize they are naked, so they use fig to cover the body,and God drive them out of Garden of Eden with judgement, they have to grow their own food,Adam need to work hard, and Eve have the pain of labor(childbirth),the snake lost the feet to walk.

11.Cain and Abel(sons of Adam and Cain)- Cain is described as a crop farmer and his younger brother Abel as a shepherd. Cain was the first human born and Abel was the first human to die. Cain committed the first murder by killing Abel.


1.mor/mort-prefix means"to die"
Example- morgue(a place in which dead bodies are kept until they have been identified or disposed of.)
                 mortician(one who conducts the preparation of a dead person's body for burial and directs funeral services.)
                 mortal(the state or condition of being subject to death; mortal character, nature, or existence.)

2.frag/fra-prefix means"to break"

Example-fragment(a part broken off or detached)
                fragile(easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail)
                frailty(moral weakness; liability to yield to temptation.)

3.greedy/ˈgri di/ adjective-excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth.
Example-They also are sure to continue portraying millionaire Mitt as the greedy capitalist devil incarnate.

4.monotheism/ˈmɒn ə θiˌɪz əm/noun -the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
Example-The question between polytheism and monotheism, which has loomed so large to some minds, never troubled him.

5.scarecrow-/ˈskɛərˌkroʊ/ noun- an object, usually a figure of a person in old clothes, set up to frighten crows or other birds away from crops.
Example-His size 22 feet splayed out in front of him, he resembles an oversize version of the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.

The video
Presidential Farewell Speech George W Bush

The book

William Shakespeare's Helmet:
Must I remember? why, she would hang on him,
As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on: and yet, within a month 
Let me not think on't - Frailty, thy name is woman! 
A little month, or ere those shoes were old
With which she follow'd my poor father's body.

