2015年11月26日 星期四

Week11 17-18(English Vocabulary and Etymology)

Ba Jin- is considered to be one of the most important and widely read Chinese writers of the 20th century. taking his pseudonym from Russian anarchists Bakunin and Kropotkin. Ba Jin started writing his first works in the late 1920s.
Ba Jin 1938.jpg


1.-archy-suffix means"rule" or " government"
Example-anarchy( a country or organization which there is no government control or rule)
                monarchy( a country that ruled by a king or a queen)
                oligarchy( a form of government which only control my a small group)

2.mort-combine words means "death"
Example-mortal( that can't live forever and must die )
                immortal( that can live forever and never die  )
                mortified( to feel really ashamed and embarrassed )

3.-gamy-suffix means "marry"
Example-autogamy( create or produce by the thing itself )
                polygamy(the husband have more than one wife)
                digamy( a second marriage)
4. bene-prefix means"good" or "well"
Example-beneficial( improve a situation having a helpful event )
                benevolent( a people that is kind and generous)
                benediction( an utterance of good wishes.)
5.mal-prefix means"wrong"
Example-malign( to say something badly in public)
                malevolent( having desire to harm others people)
                malicious( show hatred to somebody and harm them with desire)

6.magn-prefix means"large"
Example-magnificent( very impressive, attractive or deserving praise)
                magnum( a bottle containing 1.5 liters of wine)
                magnanimous( kind, generous especially toward the enemy or a rival)

7.imitation/ˌɪm ɪˈteɪ ʃən/noun-a copy of something, especially the expensive one.
Example-The latest production of the painting is a bad imitation.

8.symmetry/ˈsɪm ɪ tri/noun-the two things are matched side by side
Example-the symmetry of the garden design by Jane Chun was awarded.

9.epilogue/ˈɛp əˌlɔg/noun-a play or film that give comment or conclusion on it.
Example-Your arrival there always felt right, like the perfect last phase of your soccer career, so forget about this French epilogue.

10-sadist/ˈseɪ dɪst, ˈsæd ɪst/ noun-a person who get sexual pleasure by hurting someone.
Example-the actor in the fifty shades of Grey was a sadist.

11.pioneer/ˌpaɪ əˈnɪər/ noun-a person who is the first to study in particular area of knowledge or culture.
Example:They were the pioneers of the American West.

12.anarchism/ˈæn ərˌkɪz əm/noun-a doctrine urging the abolition of government or governmental restraints the indispensable condition for full social and political liberty.
Example-Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet theywant to combine capitalism and anarchism.

The poem
The Tyger by William Blake
This poem writes about a praise of the Christian God

TV series
Big love-it's a Mormon family with polygamy and patriarchy in Utah.

The Book

Magnum opus by Honore de Balzac
was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled La Comédie Humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.

